First Presbyterian Church offers a variety of engaging classes for adults. The class leaders facilitate conversations about faith and discipleship. Please find
a class that interests you and join us for a chance to learn and become engaged in the church community.
Sunday Morning Adult Faith Formation from 9:45 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
This class meets each week to discuss current events and Bible verses that relate to that event. Every Thursday morning an email goes out to class members from The Wired Word organization (a non- denominational group) that contains three key elements: 1) a two-page summary of a specific current event or news item, 2) a few “key questions” to stimulate your thinking about the article and 3) several Bible verses that relate directly to issues in the news article or the key questions. In class on Sunday the facilitator will briefly review highlights of the news article and lead the discussion of the key questions and Bible verses. There are no right or wrong answers and members are free to take an active role in the discussion or just listen to the thoughts of others. Rich Schaefer is the leader.
Location: Parlor
This class meets from 9:30 to 10:15. The Curriculum is based on the weekly lectionary focus of the church calendar, Leadership, and all class members are encouraged to serve in the role of Moderator/Discussion Leader
Location: Old Session Room
Young Adults Class
This class meets each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and is led by Pastor Joel. We read through the Bible and use that to spark discussion and raise questions. Currently we are reading through Philippians. By young adult we mean roughly those ages 20-40, but these are not at all hard lines. Please join them, if you are interested. This class meets on the second floor, in the old Teen Room, next to the choir room.
Location: Conversation Room